世界第一等 SJDYD 20230916 印尼 李懿 張景嵐 達人帶路 趕海挖珍稀竹蟶 釣野生粗肥田鰻 百年雞湯飯 漁村行動美妝店

世界第一等 SJDYD 20230916 印尼 李懿 張景嵐 達人帶路 趕海挖珍稀竹蟶 釣野生粗肥田鰻 百年雞湯飯 漁村行動美妝店

Food is the fastest means if you want to know the local life. Especially Indonesia is the country with the most mangroves. The entire ocean can be my canteen if you find the right person
【印尼跳島之旅 玩味東爪哇The inter-island trip to Indonesia: Fun in East Java】
🔶達人帶路 趕海揪竹蟶 Expert lead the way--Catch the tide and razor shells
🔶鮮甜竹蟶 老饕讚:鮑魚等級!! Fresh razor shells. Compliment from food lovers: as good as abalones
🔶水美眉最愛 行動美妝店 BThe beauty's favourite: mobile beauty shop
🔶養顏聖品 特選野生田鰻 The best food for beauty: Special selection of eels
🔶百年雞湯飯 實在好好味!! Century-old chicken soup with rice: simply amazing
🔶香濃蘇脆 厚切蝦餅 Crispy and flavoursome: giant prawn crackers
#田鰻 #鱔魚 #雞肝 #雞湯飯 #竹蟶 #竹蛤 #潮間帶 #海鮮 #世界第一等 #李懿 #張景嵐 #razorShells #eel #sotoayum #prawn #cracker

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